Thursday, October 18, 2012

Are you practicing good visual hygiene?

When working at your computer, reading, or other near work, do you experience headaches or burning/tired eyes?  

Here are some rules to follow for good visual hygiene....

1.  All near activity (reading, computer, games, etc.) at the Harmon distance or a little further.  
Harmon distance- distance from the center of your middle knuckle to the center of you elbow.  This is on the average 16-18 inches.

2.  Do not lie down for any seeing, this includes watching tv, playing games, reading, looking at pictures. etc. This is the most common mistake children make that will cause visual problems.  If you choose to read in bed, use pillows to prob yourself up. 

*You should not be leaning forward or backward more than 15 degrees for any extended seeing*

3.  When reading make sure the room is lit to some extent, not totally dark; the reading material should be lit 3 times brighter than the light in the room.

4.  Use good posture.  Sit upright and practice arching your back when reading, writing, using the computer, etc.  

5.  Tilt your work 10-20 degrees upward.  If your material is on a desk horizontal you feel the need to bend over to see it, tilting your work stops that need.

6.  Take Breaks!  Every time you turn a page while reading, give yourself a visual break by focusing on something in the distance.  Every 3 or 4 pages, get up and walk around.  Ideally you should take a 5 minute break for every half hour of near work.  When working on the computer it is very important to look away and focus on a far object at least once every 10 minutes.

7.  Researchers have found that you should be 16-19 feet from your TV screen.  The minimum distance from any TV should be no less than 10 feet.

8.  Relax!  Eliminate any muscular tension and try to relax and breath deeply when reading.